I wanted to write something for the people I deeply care about. It is easy to write about things that are bad and can affect you in a negative way, but my life doesn’t only contain bad experiences, and the people I love deeply are a reason for that.
First, I want to highlight my parents. I am happy and proud to say that I think I might have the best parents in the world. Of course, we have our differences, and believe me, things between us haven’t always been smooth. But they are a part of the person I am today.
My mother is the definition of power. She has been physically and mentally through so much in life, but she never gave up on life or the people she loved. She has put herself on the last place most of the time and made sure everyone was taken care of. Even when she was sick, she would still do the household chores, go grocery shopping, work, and listen to her children with an open heart without mentioning any of her own troubles. She is a person who is always there in times of need but also in better times. She truly has a heart of gold.
My father, the head of the family, was always there for me as well. Whether it was a competition for a sport or when I needed help with school, he would make sure he would be there. Even though he always worked full-time, I remember him to this day as a very present figure in my life. He made sure I could pursue the studies I wanted and participate in the sports I enjoyed. He was always interested in my friends and what was going on in my life. He was someone I always looked up to – stable and strong, but with a very good side to him. Both of my parents truly have hearts of gold.
Again, things haven’t always been easy, and I will write more about it in other articles. But I wouldn’t be the person I am today without having them in my life. So, I guess I just want to say thank you for being there and being the best parents a kid could wish for!
Furthermore, I also want to mention my friends who have been there for me through thick and thin and accepted me the way I am. I am very happy to have them in my life, and even though I may not say it often, I really appreciate them. I can go to them for fun things, but also when I need a listening ear, and they always help me the best way they can.
Last but not least, I want to mention my boyfriend. For a long time, I thought it was normal to feel bad in relationships and to continuously worry about whether your partner still loves you or not. And that love would be found in very small and rare things, like an occasional compliment or the desire to have sex with you. But during my current relationship, I discovered how bad my previous relationships were. Of course, I knew that back then as well, but my standards were very low as I didn’t know any better. My boyfriend has taught me what love really means. It means being there for each other in the best way you can, making sure you let the other person know that you love them in different ways, being able to be yourself and not having to hide anything for the other person, and having as much fun as you can together. From day one, my boyfriend has done all those things. Two years later, we are now living together, and every day I feel loved. I can confide in him with my worries, and he always does his best to help me. He compliments me, expresses pride in me, and shows me every day that I am a wonderful person. I am incredibly grateful to have him in my life, and I make it a priority to let him know how much I love him dearly.
I understand that not everyone experiences love in the same way. But for me, it was important to write this article. Not only for my loved ones to read, but also for my own self-realization of how blessed I am to have them. Sometimes, we tend to take certain things for granted, even though it is not common for everyone to have the same level of love and support. Taking a moment to recognize how fortunate I am is also beneficial for my own well-being. It is easy to focus on the negative aspects, but good things happen too, and these people are an integral part of that positivity.
If you have any questions about this article or any other topic, or if you would like to share your own experiences, please feel free to contact me.